A Tribute to Peg Carroll

July 10, 2018
Andover Newton has a set of core values: faithfulness, innovation, joy, sacred hospitality, stewardship, and justice. As a community, these values are held, cherished, and honored at the very core of who we are. As an individual, Peg Carroll embodies these values at the very core of who she is. 
When I think about who I want our graduates to be like, I think of Peg. You see, Peg may not have attended seminary or theological school, but she is a minister. 
When I first worked with Peg in the Admissions Office, I watched a stream of people – faculty, staff, prospective students, current students, and alumni/ae – stop by to receive Peg’s “ministry of presence.” How can we deny that ministry takes multiple forms when we see Peg’s interaction with those around Peg is a minister; there’s no denying it.
A little over a year ago, I returned to Andover Newton to work with Peg again. During my conversations with alumni/ae, I’m asked a lot of questions. A LOT of questions. Often, one of the very first questions that people ask is: “How is Peg Carroll? I miss her! She helped me when I [fill in the blank].”
Embodying these core values and living into your ministry isn’t just Andover Newton-work; it is Kingdom-work. Peg has not only made Andover Newton better with her presence; she has made the Kingdom better for all of us. For these reasons, and so many others, I am happy and grateful that Peg has been granted recognition as Staff Emeritus.
Thank you, Peg, for being a minister to me and to many.
by: Ned Allyn Parker