Seminary Sunday 2.0 - Option 1

Event time: 
Sunday, January 31, 2021 - 12:00am to 11:45pm
Zoom Recording See map
Event description: 
Andover Newton Seminary at Yale Divinity School will host a Seminary Sunday worship service for those churches interested in participating. We encourage your congregation to consider hosting Seminary Sunday 2.0 on one of two Sundays in the new year: January 31 or February 7. Please note that both services include Communion.
The video will be available for download so that you can broadcast using the streaming service that works best for your community, and it will also be available on a hidden YouTube channel (only accessible with a link). The video will be available early in the week of January 25th, giving your leaders opportunity to preview the service.
A current Andover Newton student will offer the sermon (preaching from 1 Corinthians 13:9-10, 12), while faculty, staff, and students will lead prayers, music, and Communion. Dean Sarah B. Drummond and Associate Dean Ned Allyn Parker will connect the service to the  on-campus community as a way of introducing our partner-churches to the students now preparing for ministry and the program in which they now undertake that preparation. The words to each hymn will be shown in the video, so no need to find them ahead of time!
After an emotionally and spiritually exhausting 2020, and a busy Holy-day season, allow us to take the proverbial wheel for a Sunday. We hope that this offering gives clergy and leaders a brief respite, while inspiring a deeper connection between our institution and your congregation.
We will provide the entire pre-recorded service. All you have to do is broadcast it!
If your congregation is interested in participating in Seminary Sunday 2.0 with Andover Newton, please contact Ned Allyn Parker using the information provided below.
We will appreciate feedback following the service in order to improve Seminary Sunday events in the future.
Additionally, if your congregation would be interested in hearing more from Andover Newton, Sarah Drummond and Ned Allyn Parker are both available to visit with your community either virtually or in person (when it’s safe to do so).