Talitha Arnold to have lunch with Andover Newton students

Event time: 
Tuesday, February 14, 2023 - 12:15pm
2nd Floor Common Room, Sterling Quadrangle See map
409 Prospect St.
New Haven, CT 06511
Event description: 

Andover Newton is excited to welcome Talitha Arnold, Senior Minister at the United Church of Sante Fe. She will be having lunch with the Andover Newton community during her time at Yale Divinity School in mid-February.

From the church’s website:

Talitha Arnold was called as the Minister of the United Church of Santa Fe in 1987, when the church was a 7-year-old new church start of the United Church of Christ. Since then, the congregation has tripled in membership and is known in Santa Fe for its vital worship, diverse music, outreach and advocacy, environmental ministry, and an engaging approach to the Christian faith for all ages.

A native of Arizona and a graduate of Pomona College and Yale Divinity School, Talitha was the Interim Associate University Chaplain for Yale and served congregations in Connecticut and Arizona before being called to United.
In Santa Fe, she’s served as President of Santa Fe Habitat for Humanity and on the city’s first Children and Youth Commission, the Interfaith Leadership Alliance, and the hospital Ethics Committee. On a national level, she is a founding member National Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention. In 2017, she was part of a 3-person delegation doing documentary work in the refugee
camps of Kurdistan, Iraq.
Her publications include Worship for Vital Congregations essays in the Feasting on the Word lectionary series and The Animal/Human Bond, along with articles for The Christian Century, NPR’s All Things Considered, The Santa Fe New Mexican, Albuquerque Journal, Tumbleweeds (for children and parents), and the UCC’s Still Speaking devotionals. She is currently working on A Desert Faith for a Desert Time. She has been a guest speaker for the Berkshire Choral Festival, the Santa Fe
Symphony, Santa Fe’s “Renesan” lecture series, San Diego County, Muslim Mental Health Institute, Saddleback Church, and numerous UCC settings.
Talitha’s leadership has been recognized with the United Church of Christ’s “Antoinette Brown Award” for outstanding women clergy,  Yale Divinity School’s “Outstanding Recent Alum,” a Lilly Endowment clergy grant, and Santa Fe’s Human Rights Award, and “Ten Who Made a Difference” award.