Message from Andover Newton’s Dean Sarah B. Drummond about the Spring Semester

December 23, 2021

Today, December 23rd, emails went out from YDS Dean Gregory Sterling and ANS Dean Sarah B. Drummond about some changes to the upcoming Spring Semester. If students have not yet seen these messages, please check your email inboxes, as the message includes information about how to schedule appointments with Dean Drummond after the winter break

Dean Drummond’s message reads in part:

Dear Andover Newton Diploma Program Students:
Greetings to you all in this season of both light and hope, both confusion and concern. I have to imagine Joseph and Mary were feeling such a mixture themselves during this portion of the Gospel journey.
You should have received a message from Dean Gregory Sterling an hour ago about how YDS will delay the start to the new semester, and then offer classes and programs online for its first couple of weeks. These changes will allow us all to stay put as the omicron wave crests and, we hope, crashes. As you pull out your calendars and make new travel plans, please know that we are all in this together, and Andover Newton is here to support you however you need.
We know how to do hard things. Changing plans and isolation are hard things. Know that you are going through this Covid surge surrounded by the Holy Spirit and the warm encouragement of your community.  
Grace and Peace,
Sarah B. Drummond | she, her, hers
Andover Newton Seminary at Yale Divinity School | Founding Dean