Report from the Alumni/ae Association Board
Report from Alumni/ae Board, 2022
While the pandemic has continued to disrupt programs and impacted the student experience, we take comfort in remembering what the Lord requires of us: justice, kindness, walk humbly with your God. The beautiful refrain from Mark Miller’s music reminds us how we can focus on a few things with care and love.
Our Alumni/ae Board welcomed seven new members in 2022: Liz Aguilar, Jason Alspaugh, Brent Gundlah, Shannan Hudgins, Stephanie Kelsch, Laura Kisthardt, and Shane Montoya.
We (Laura and Katrina) began serving as interim co-chairs of the alumni/ae board in March 2022. The entire board is very grateful for the leadership of Emily J. Kellar, former chair.
Spring alumni/ae board meetings were focused on supporting and connecting at upcoming Andover Newton events both in-person and virtually. There were also additional discussions exploring how we might best support Andover Newton’s upcoming capital campaign.
Many alumni/ae signed on to watch the livestream of the 2022 Bauer-Broholm Lecture with Melissa Florer-Bixler, “What is the church for? Re-membering during the Great Resignation.” Melissa’s lecture sparked lively discussion with thought provoking questions.
The Board has discussed how to best build connections among alumni/ae, what draws folks to attend Convocation, and how to stay virtually connected for those out of state.
Current Members of the Andover Newton Alumni/ae Board: Liz Aguilar, Jason Alspaugh, Virginia Child, Brent Gundlah, Shannan Hudgins, Emily J. Kellar, Stephanie Kelsch, Laura Kisthardt, Katrina Manzi, Shane Montoya, Barbara Smith, Linda Lea Snyder, and Kurt Walker.
In faith,
Alumni/ae Board co-chairs, Katrina Manzi (YDS MDiv ‘17; ANS student “Founder”) and Laura Kisthardt (YDS MDiv and ANS diploma recipient ‘20)