A Tribute to Nancy Lois

July 1, 2018
When Nancy Lois was in the Master of Divinity Program at Andover Newton, I did not know she had a background in library science. She was an outstanding student, and someone with whom I shared northern Connecticut friends in common, but it was only when she applied for the position of Co-Director that I learned more about her professional history. Diana Yount was retiring, and we were searching. As soon as I saw her name on a cover letter, I felt reassured that Diana might have a successor out there after all. 
Nancy co-led the library with colleague Jeffrey Brigham, who was responsible for technical services while Nancy led all public services. As Nancy had experience in both technical and public services, she took on both roles at the same time when the positions were, by necessity, merged. Nancy ran a complicated and vast library system while at the same time de-accessing the collection to Yale’s care. One would think those two jobs would be enough to wear her out, but she went many steps further. Nancy found good homes for parts of Andover Newton’s collection that were duplicated at Yale, including selling parts of the collection to help the School with transition costs, donating parts to libraries in-need, and returning collections held on-deposit back home. 
In addition to her incredible work ethic, Nancy brought the voice and perspective of a pastor. The times I appreciated her the most – not for lack of options! – were when she offered reflections and prayers in worship. An outstanding writer, a deeply thoughtful person, and a wise soul: Nancy Lois, thank you for your service to your School. 
by: Sarah B. Drummond