
Mindi Welton-Mitchell and Seattle-area clergy
June 16, 2020
“Our chaplain station is simple: hand sanitizer and masks, some candles, and a sign saying Interfaith Chaplains…” From “Protest Chaplain—A report from Seattle’s Capitol...
Rev. Dr. Kirk Byron Jones
June 15, 2020
Convocation Speaker In a recent meeting, the Andover Newton Alumni/ae Association Board voted unanimously to invite the Rev. Dr. Kirk Byron Jones to be Andover Newton’s...
Andover Newton Seminary-affiliated faculty members
June 5, 2020
Affiliated faculty members of Andover Newton Seminary at Yale Divinity School offer their wisdom to those who care about faith community leadership in these most trying of...
Dean Sarah B. Drummond
May 21, 2020
As Covid-19 has disrupted communities around the nation and world, people are coming to appreciate more deeply a simple fact: human beings need spaces where faith, hope, and...
Dean Sarah B. Drummond
May 12, 2020
Women have been active participants throughout the history of Yale Divinity School. They first made vital contributions to YDS as the wives of faculty and students, and then...
Prof. Benjamín Valentín
May 6, 2020
Benjamín Valentín, who joined Andover Newton’s faculty in 2000, will depart to become part of the faculty of the Boston College School of Theology this summer.    Professor...
Rev. Dr. Debora Jackson
April 23, 2020
I was a child when the “Keep America Beautiful” public service announcement first launched in 1971, and I remember being captivated by it. Nearly 50 years later, the impact...
Alexander Levering Kern (MDiv '02)
April 20, 2020
“Warm greetings of peace, dear fellow travelers in this uncharted terrain of our common life. Here in Boston, and across Northeastern University’s global network of...
March 28, 2020
Founding Dean Sarah Birmingham Drummond is quoted in this piece from the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette: “And ‘patterns of philanthropy and stewardship have changed utterly since...
Char Corbett (MDiv '10)
March 27, 2020
“Wearing masks and gloves to protect against COVID-19, members of Second Congregational United Church of Christ went ahead with their regularly scheduled blood drive on...