April 21, 2021
As they have for generations, Andover Newton alumni/ae are doing extraordinary work in the field of ministry – ministry that spans the globe and takes many forms. Over the next few weeks, we will be sharing interviews with alums who are local church pastors, chaplains, and leaders in global theological education.

Once Winter break began, classes would not meet again until the first week of February. Dean Drummond, along with other members of the Andover Newton staff team, developed month-long projects, which would give students training in new experiences, as well as exposure to aspects of ministerial formation not necessarily taught formally in the classroom.
Ned worked with eight students whose foci included alumni/ae and church relations, communications, fundraising, and knowledge dissemination. If you followed Andover Newton’s daily Lenten devotional, curated by 1st year student Jamal Davis Neal, Jr., then you have already benefited from one of the undertakings of The Andover NewDeal!
Oliver’s interviews with alumni/ae offer opportunities to learn more about new and developing ministries, as well as moments of insight and inspiration often rooted in experiences gained during time spent in formation with peers, colleagues, and fellow graduates of the school.
Over the coming weeks, edited transcripts of these interviews will be made available at regular intervals on Andover Newton’s social media platforms (Facebook and Twitter: @AndoverNewton; Instagram: @andover_newton) and on the website. As these interviews are made available expect to learn more about:
Father James Hairston (MDiv ’10)
The Rev. Mindi Welton-Mitchell (MDiv ’02)