The faculty, staff, and administration of Andover Newton Seminary at Yale Divinity School are excited to announce that the speaker for our 2022 graduation celebration will be the Rev. Dr. Gregory Groover, Sr.
The ceremony will be held at 11:30am on Saturday, May 21, 2022.
The Rev. Dr. Groover is a current member of Andover Newton’s Board of Trustees and Pastor of the Historic Charles Street A.M.E. Church in Roxbury, MA, where he has served in that capacity since 1994.
During his tenure as pastor of the Historic Charles Street A.M.E. Church, over forty persons have entered the ministry and are presently serving as pastors, chaplains, seminary professors, and deans across the country. In addition to under-shepherding a growing urban congregation, Groover, Sr., serves as the chairperson of his denomination’s First Episcopal District and the New England Annual Conference Boards of Examiners.