Transcripts and Diplomas
Transcripts and Replacement Diplomas
Transcript requests for Andover Newton Theological School and Bangor Theological Seminary must be requested by following the instructions on the Yale Divinity School’s Office of the Registrar website. YDS manages transcript requests for graduates of Bangor Theological Seminary as one element in that institution’s 2013 plan for the discontinuation of degree programs.
Before requesting your transcript, please read the following:
Andover Newton Theological School transcripts do not reflect transfer credits from other institutions. If you transferred credits from elsewhere toward your Andover Newton degree, you must contact the other institution and ask them to send a transcript so that the recipient of your choosing receives a complete academic record.
Replacement Diplomas - While no graduate has the right to a duplicate diploma, Andover Newton Seminary may, at their discretion, authorize the issuance of a replacement in certain limited cases. To request a duplicate, a requestor must complete and meet all requirements, including notary public processing, of the Application for a Duplicate Diploma. If the request is granted, when printed, the diploma will be marked “iteratum.” No duplicate will be printed until at least one year has elapsed since the loss unless the original is known to have been destroyed by fire, flood, or similar cause. If the original diploma is damaged, the applicant must return as much of the diploma as can be salvaged. If the original diploma is lost, the applicant must agree to return the replacement if the original is eventually found.
Duplicate diplomas will be considered for processing upon receipt of the completed application form and its attachments. If the request is approved, the requestor will be notified and asked to mail a payment in the amount of $150.00 via check or money order made payable to Yale University to cover printing and handling costs. Please allow approximately 3-6 months after you have placed your order for processing the new diploma. Applications received between April 1st-July 1st may require additional processing time. Expedited processing (4 weeks) is available for an additional $100.00.
If you would like the document returned to you by express courier, please provide a prepaid FedEx return slip or include an additional $25.00 for domestic shipping; $65.00 for international shipping.
Diplomas may also be issued in a changed name under the following conditions:
A certified copy of the appropriate legal document that verifies the name change must be mailed to:
Andover Newton Seminary at Yale Divinity School
409 Prospect Street
New Haven, CT 06401
The original diploma must be returned to Andover Newton.
Note that the new diploma will be issued on the document that is currently in use by Andover Newton Seminary with the date of the original diploma. In the lower margin of the new diploma, the following will be added in Latin: “This document replaces one previously issued. See the statement on reverse.” The statement on the reverse will read: “This diploma was originally issued in the name of ______ which on ______ was changed to ______.”
When the duplicate diploma is mailed, an email confirmation will be sent to the requestor.