The Impact of Your Giving

Ministry has not become any less challenging in the 210 years since Andover Newton was founded, and a strong case could be made that ministry is more challenging than ever.  And there is a lot at stake.  The world needs congregations of compassion and justice now more than ever, and congregations need inspiring leaders who are prepared for their work because they have received an excellent education.

Yale does not financially support the work of Andover Newton Seminary. Income from our endowment is the primary source of support for Andover Newton Seminary, but giving from individuals and congregations represents 16% of our budget (up from 10% when we were a free-standing school).  So, your giving is more important than ever.

As an embedded partner in a world-class research university, Andover Newton Seminary is now uniquely positioned to impact students, congregational communities, and, indeed, theological education far into the future. The only way the mission will continue is with the financial support of those faithful souls who generously support that mission.

We invite you to partner with us as we continue to educate inspiring leaders for faith communities.

The Impact of Endowing Scholarships…


The Impact of Gifts on Tuition

Thanks to donor generosity and great progress toward fundraising goals, students will pay and borrow less than they did five years ago. Over that time, tuition has risen only eight percent, while the standard scholarship package has gone up by 33 percent. As a result, the annual cost of attending YDS is now $2,580 less than it was for the 2013-14 academic year.

Scholarships at Andover Newton Seminary

As a partner on the Yale Divinity School Quadrangle, Andover Newton follows the same fundraising policies as Yale Divinity School and Berkeley Divinity School. Scholarships are designated in the following ways:
Scholarships at the…
… $50,000 level can be named by the donor.
… $250,000 level can be named and given preferences (e.g. – preference will be given to a student preparing to lead in a historically Black congregation).
… $500,000 level cover full tuition for one student each year.
… $850,000 level offer comprehensive coverage of tuition, books, fees, and living expenses.