
Valentin Book Cover
February 3, 2020
A new book edited by Prof. Benjamin Valentin about the future of theological education is reviewed in brief in the Christian Century. From the review: “In Looking Forward...
Ali Hillman (MDiv 2021) Photo: Mara Lavitt 2020
January 31, 2020
Ali Hillman (MDiv ‘21) had the opportunity to introduce Pulitzer Prize winning novelist Marilynne Robinson during Andover Newton’s Simpson-Hewett Lecture in...
Rev. Dr. Debora Jackson
January 30, 2020
“Of particular interest to womanist theory scholars, pastors, faith-based leaders and other leaders seeking new strategies for organizational transformation, this book...
Roberto Ochoa (MDiv '17) and Ned Allyn Parker (MDiv '10)
January 23, 2020
“Several years ago, I had an opportunity to participate in an immersion program at the Sonora/Arizona border between Mexico and the United States…” Roberto Ochoa (MDiv...
Gordon Rankin (MDiv '91) at Standing Rock
January 22, 2020
“For a long time, the idea of being “always angry” made no sense to me. If I am totally honest, I am not one who does anger a lot. Sure, I can get frustrated or upset. But as...
Student Retreat 2020
January 21, 2020
Our Andover Newton retreat started and finished with yarn! On our first day together we used yarn for an icebreaker as a way to get to know one another better. Fourteen...
Drummond, Mobley, and Heim
January 2, 2020
Dean Sarah B. Drummond, and Professors Gregory Mobley and S. Mark Heim will all have offerings during Yale Divinity School’s Summer Study session 2020.  There are two...
Dean Sarah B. Drummond
December 13, 2019
Sarah Drummond was one of the featured speakers at this year’s Association of Theological School’s “President’s Intensive” in Orlando, Florida on December 12. She talked...
Members of IRIS prepare for worship
December 6, 2019
“Voices rose in song, love, and understanding in the Divinity School’s Marquand Chapel as about 100 people gathered to bless winter garments collected for refugees in the New...
Rev. Kaji Douša
December 6, 2019
“Religious leaders, including two speakers from the United Church of Christ, joined actor Jane Fonda on the streets of the nation’s capital Friday, Dec. 6, to demand...