The Linda S. Campanella Scholarship
The servant of Christ gives without counting the cost. The servant leader gives as though their organization, and every person in it, might themselves be Christ. Linda Sachsse Campanella is a model of Christian servanthood and servant leadership.

Linda wrote the award-winning memoir When All That’s Left of Me is Love: A Daughter’s Story of Letting Go about walking with her mother through life’s final stages. She is a passionate advocate for compassionate end-of-life care and values creating supportive environments for conversations about death and dying.

Through this Linda S. Campanella Scholarship, an Andover Newton at YDS student will receive funding each year, along with a letter telling them that they have received a financial benefit named for Linda. They will already have reaped the benefits of Linda’s leadership by virtue of the fact they are receiving a world-class education in ministerial leadership through Andover Newton at Yale.
Make a contribution to The Linda S. Campanella Scholarship today:
Make a safe online donation by using our giving portal, which is hosted by Yale Divinity School. Click here to be taken directly to The Campanella Scholarship giving page.
Please note that the automatic response you will receive when your gift is made is your official tax receipt, which will come from Yale University. Once your gift is processed, you will receive a formal note of gratitude from Andover Newton.
Checks can be made out to “Andover Newton Seminary,” and mailed to Dean Sarah Drummond’s attention at 409 Prospect St., New Haven, CT 06511. Be sure to write “The Linda S. Campanella Scholarship” on the memo line on the check.
Don’t see an option that works for you? Email the Andover Newton offices.